whats your favorite time of year

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well we got about 6 inches of snow wednesday. Justin missed work but was able to make up some of those hours. The snow was pretty  but i'm glad that its gone. Had a good valentines day, we each got the other a little something and then we went out to eat.  I'm going to the horse track with my dad monday, always fun. Justin has never been so we may try and go next thursday. I hope that everyone had a wonderful valentines weekend.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

glad to be back

Well its been a long week with no computer, then no internet. Thankfully we finally got that fixed. I was begining to miss facebook. We are supposed to be getting another snow storm this tomorrow. It will be the 3rd one this winter, and we don't usually get any snow. The hubby has missed a couple days work because we could not get the truck out to the main road. So its just a waiting game to see how much snow we get.

Justin and I started our diet today. We went with slim fast for now. We may switch to the atkins diet in a week or so.  Will start working out on our Wii fit tomorrow probably. It will be a good thing to be able to weigh on the scales. I'm also going to get some mesurements so i'll have those to go by as well.

Valentines day is comming up, it will be our second together and our first married. I'm so lucky to have found Justin when I did. We may not be perfect but we are perfect for each other.